Balls Bluff

May 12
Note: Date Change! The new date for this event is Saturday May 12.
Marit & Don Davis have a fine event planned, and they've been hard at work updating the map and planning courses. In fact, all orienteers will be seeing a part of the park that hitherto has only been visited by advanced orienteers as this event will start and finish at the southern end of the map. This area is called Edwards Landing and we have reserved the pavilion there which is owned by the City of Leesburg. Therefore, do not go to the Balls Bluff parking lot which all of the previous orienteering events have used. (You will be the only orienteer there if you do, excepting any others who did not read this announcement.)
Note that while we therefore won't be using the small Balls Bluff parking lot we have used in the past parking is still an issue. DO NOT park in the small Edwards Landing parking lot unless you are a meet helper. We prefer that you use the parking lot at Balls Bluff Elementary School which is about half a mile from Edwards Landing. If you car-pool, you can drop-off participants at Edwards Landing before parking there. Otherwise, a little walk as a warmup shouldn't do anyone any harm. Definitely do not park in or near the narrow cul-de-sac leading to Edwards Landing. This would surely rankle the residents in the cul-de-sac and possibly end our welcome to run events out of Edwards Landing. However, if you want to be closer than half a mile, you may park on one of the wide streets between Edwards Landing and Balls Bluff Elementary School - Hunton Place, Graywood Way and Wood Edge Drive- provided you refrain from block the residents' driveways or otherwise irking them. Click here for an overview map.
Balls Bluff Battlefield Park is the site of the first Civil War battle in Loudoun County (1861). The park has recently undergone restoration to more accurately reflect its 1861 condition, and you are encouraged to tour the area and its National Cemetery near the Potomac River.
Any youth or large groups attending, please contact the Event Director so that we can coordinate pre-registration for your group; the group registration and waiver form is part of the information on our Group Leaders page.
Post-Race MeetUp Special! The nearby Panera Bread cafe is offering all orienteers a free soda drink, hot tea or coffee. Just take your epunch results printout (which has a QOC logo on it) in with you and show it to the cashier. Located (here) just a few minutes due south of the Balls Bluff School, it's a fine place to hang out and discuss your routes, whether or not you're also taking advantage of the nearby Leesburg Premium Outlet Stores!
Location | Balls Bluff Regional Park, Edwards Landing Pavilion (School Parking), Leesburg, VA (Classic Orienteering) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Registration | No advance registration required. Just show up and have fun! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Start Times | You may start your course at any time during the start window listed below for your event. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Schedule | Saturday, May 12
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Volunteers |
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Location Details |
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Course Details | Classic Orienteering
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Course Notes | Classic Orienteering The Terrain: It's hilly (lots of spurs and reentrants), generally very runnable (open) with few thick (green) areas. An extensive trail network exists which can be a navigation asset, but can also cause confusion! The Potomac River borders the east side of the map (beware of steep rocky cliffs in some areas near the river), the west side of the map is residential, and farm land borders the north and south ends. The map has been updated. Red and Green will notice a new trail in the north part of the map; Red, Green and Orange will notice the new semi-open area in the vicinity of the Civil War cemetery. Note: The White and Yellow beginner courses require some off trail navigation (for example, along streams); please ask for more details (and advice) at the Registration area if you have any questions. The start will be 50 meters from the park pavilion. Two portable toilets will be open at Edwards landing. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Entry Fees | Individual Entries
Non-Member: $10/adult, $6/junior (under 21 years old) Member: $6/adult, $4/junior (under 21 years old) Team or Group EntriesParticipants are welcome to compete together as a single team entry. Teams containing one or more nonmembers are charged the nonmember individual rate. Teams containing one or more adults are charged the adult individual rate. For teams to receive member or junior rates, all members of the team must be members or juniors, respectively. Each extra team map beyond the first is an additional $4. Individuals or teams desiring to compete on a second course can do so for a reduced fee of $4/map. Important Notes