QOC Library

Welcome to the QOC Library! Items from the library may be checked out for up to 3 months at a time by QOC members. To check out items, find the library at one of our meets or contact the club librarian, Mark Mace, to arrange for him to bring the item in question to an event or otherwise get it to you. Mark can be contacted through the club leadership page here.
The club library currently consists of the following items:
- Coaching Orienteering by Mary Jo Childs - Orienteering USA's coaching manual. Light on O technique but with an extensive appendix of suggested training exercises.
- Course Planning by Clasesson Gawelin & Jagerstrom Nordstrom 1981 - Course setting manual with much useful information on course setting in general though not related to the USOF course design guidelines specifically and a fascinating account of the historical interaction between mapping standards and course design.
- Daniels' Running Formula by Jack Daniels - An accessible guide to training for pure running, informed by up to date exercise science.
- Mapmaking for Orienteering (Second Ed., updated Feb 2003) by Malcolm Adams (last revision) - The Canadian Orienteering Federation Mapping Manual of 1983 updated to cover computer drafting using OCAD 8.0.
- Mapmaking for Orienteers by Robin Harvey - The all-time classic how-to book on making O maps. Dated (no computer drafting) but provides invaluable background and the fieldwork section is timeless.
- Modern Orienteering Training by Wilford Holloway - Technique and training handbook. Perhaps slightly dated but still of interest.
- Orienteering & Map Games for Teachers by Mary Garrett
- Orienteering Level I Coaching Certification Manual by Various authors - Canadian - - Orienteering Federation's beginner level O technique/coaching manual.
- Orienteering Level II Coaching Certification Manual by Ron Lowry - Canadian Orienteering Federation's intermediate to advanced O technique/coaching manual.
- Orienteering Level III Coaching Certification Manual by Ted de St Croix (10th place finisher in the 1985 World Championships and Canadian champion as recently as 2002) - Canadian Orienteering Federation's manual for coaches of elite competitors.
- Orienteering: Pathways to Excellence by Peter Palmer - Comprehensive book on orienteering somewhat irritatingly structured around the progress of a fictitious British family as they discover and get more deeply into orienteering.
- Orienteering Technique from Start to Finish by Norman and Engstrom - Translated Swedish O technique book. Suggested exercises using maps in colour insert.
- Orienteering Techniques by Gareth Bryan-Jones - Pamphlet on O technique and nothing but published by the Scottish Orienteering Association.
- Orienteering - The essential guide to equipment and techniques by Ian Bratt - Comprehensive book on orienteering with what was clearly by far the most lavish budget for illustrations and photographs of any listed here. Not extremely detailed on technique but the illustrations convey the basics quite well.
- Orienteering - the skills of the game by Carol McNeil - Comprehensive book on orienteering by a long-time British team member. With graphic evidence of current QOC member Piers Newbery's former (and probably unpaid) hand modelling career.
- Orienteering Training & Coaching by Various authors - British Orienteering Federation's technique and coaching manual. O technique section very similar to the SOA's pamphlet (Mr. Bryan-Jones being one of the authors).
- IOF Map Committee Instructors Kit - Text, photographs and illustrations intended to support instructors in teaching courses on how to make orienteering maps.
44 sets of maps from various A meets and local events
A Sense of Direction (the 1985 World Championships in Australia)
All Eco-Challenge races from 1996 to 2000 (BC, Australia, Morocco, Patagonia, and Borneo)
The 1998 and 2000 Raid Gauloises adventure races (Ecuador and the Himalayas)
The 1998 Beast of the East adventure race
Four races from the 1999 Hi-Tech Adventure Racing Series
The 1999 Marathon des Sables (a five-day ultramarathon held in the Sahara)
Magazines and miscellaneous:**
- 9 issues of Orienteering USA ranging from May 1979 to May 1983
- 100 issues of Orienteering North America ranging from April 1985 to July 2001
- 12 issues of Orienteering World ranging from August 1997 to February 2000
- 8 issues of Adventure World Magazine ranging from March 1999 to February 2001
- 4 newspaper articles on a variety of O subjects
- 3 pamphlets
- A meet program from the 1981 Pacific Northwest O Festival
- a 1986 Suunto Compass catalog
- A meet program from the 1990 Intercollegiate Championships
** though the magazines reward random browsing, the partial (work in currently stalled progress) catalog of articles on technical aspects of orienteering that follows may be helpful to those with less time to devote to the quest for O-enlightenment.
General O Technique
- Let's Talk About Contour Lines~John Hanna~A brief discussion with two illustrative sketches of the advisability of considering climb in route selection.~Mag 15~March/April 1990 ONA
- Learn How to Relocate~John Maier~How to relocate (suggested to be most useful to intermediate level orienteers).~Mag 16~May 1990 ONA
- What You Will Find At An A-Meet~SLOC newsletter~A first timer's guide to what to expect at an A-Meet.~Mag 18~July 1990 ONA
- It's No Secret: Champion Orienteering for All!~Damon Douglas~Article on the mental and technical skills involved in high level competition. Drawing on interviews with 16 elite orienteers (in the world ranking sense of "elite").~Mag 26~July 1991 ONA
- Hints for Orienteers~Tapio Leino~Discusses a Swedish article contrasting the orienteering practices of elite and less experienced orienteers.~Mag 32~March/April 1992 ONA
- Distance, Direction & Details~Winnie Stott~Discussion of O technique focused on pace counting.~Mag 34~June 1992 ONA
- Summer School~Kristin Federer~The author discusses lessons learned in 1992 World Cup races 4, 5 and 6.~Mag 36~September/October 1992 ONA
- A Better Course To Follow~Michael Moyles~Why the author thinks dropping down a course level helped him improve.~Mag 39~February 1993 ONA
- The Available Courses~Larry Berman~Characteristics of the USOF colour-coded courses and how to choose which to run.~Mag 39~February 1993 ONA
- "Tactics of Mistake"~Bill Teahan~What do do when you screw up.~Mag 52~December 1994 ONA
- How to Select Your Orienteering Course~Karen Dennis~What it says but the listing of what you ought to know/be able to do before you try each colour may be of interest even if you know what course you're up to.~Mag 56~June 1995 ONA
- David Irving Does it from Memory!~Bermans~Brief description of how Mr. Irving ran a five day A-meet as a memory-O.~Mag 58~August 1995 ONA
Compass Technique
- Even beginners need "The Competitive Edge"~John Maier~Hints on compass use and on how to copy your course on the clock.~Mag 22~December 1990 ONA
- Dinosaur Tales: or, why I (still) use a protractor compass~Mark Adams~Elite Canadian somewhat humourously sings the praises of baseplates/rubbishes thumb compasses.~Mag 25~May 1991 ONA
- Dinosaur Tales, the saga continues~Mark Adams~Elite Canadian expands on his paen to the baseplate compass and indictment of the thumb compass. With illustrative sketches and caricatures of anatomically exceptional orienteers to whom his arguments do not apply.~Mag 26~July 1991 ONA
- When to use a compass - and when not to...~Robin Shannonhouse~What compasses are and aren't good for.~Mag 55~May 1995 ONA
Map and control description reading
- Coping With This Darn Map~Jane Betros~A discussion of the map problems that may arise and strategies for coping with them.~Mag 17~June 1990 ONA
- Those Control Description Hieroglyphics~?~Explains the standard IOF course description symbology.~Mag 19~August 1990 ONA
- The Symbolic Description Language~Bermans~Sketches of the appearance on the map, in terrain and in IOF symbology of selected control descriptions.~Mag 24~February 1991 ONA
- Interpreting the Map Legend, part 2~Jane Betros~Considerable detail as to what different map symbols and colours represent.~Mag 26~July 1991 ONA
- Interpreting the Map Legend, part 2~Jane Betros~Considerable detail about the many black legend symbols.~Mag 27~August 1991 ONA
- Divide and Contour~Roger Wilkinson~Hints on contour interpretation, including how index contours can be helpful.~Mag 31~February 1992 ONA
- On Maps and Map Reading: Paths, Streams & Ditches~Terry Foxton~Non-obvious notes on the depiction of path, streams, ditches and junctions and crossings of same.~Mag 37~November 1992 ONA
- Shades of Green~Marilyn H.S. Light~Discussion of mapped green areas, including some spine-tingling botanical details of why they might be mapped as green.~Mag 38~December 1992 ONA
- This Darn Map is Wrong!~Jane Betros~Map problems and their causes.~Mag 44~August 1993 ONA
- Shades of Blue~Marilyn H.S. Light~Discussion of the characteristics of things mappable in blue.~Mag 46~December 1993 ONA
- Permanent Orienteering Courses~Tom Delaney~Explanation of the concept of trim courses and an interim list of such in the US.~Mag 14~February 1990 ONA
- Permanent Orienteering Courses~Winnie Stott~Considerations in design and setup of trim courses.~Mag 17~June 1990 ONA
- Sharpening You Orienteering Skills~Winnie Stott~Some suggestions from the author of "Armchair Orienteering". Particularly hanging ribbons as an exercise.~Mag 21~November 1990 ONA
- Orienteering Training Exercises~Irina Kuranova~Suggested O training for beginners.~Mag 31~February 1992 ONA
- Orienteering Exercises from (the land formerly called) The Soviet Union~Irina Kuranova~More suggested training exercises.~Mag 32~March/April 1992 ONA~
- Don't Wait Till Next Year~Larry Berman~Suggested winter training, particularly emphasising the value of analysing past performances for patterns of errors.~Mag 38~December 1992 ONA
- Improve Your Running Skills~David Hogg~The physical demands of running in terrain and how to train for it.~Mag 39~February 1993 ONA
- How To Make A Schoolyard O-Map~Karl Kolva~How to make a simple B&W O map of the grounds of a school.~Mag 19~August 1990 ONA~
- Economics of Orienteering Map Production, Part 2 of 2~Robert Wagner~Some considerations affecting the cost and quality of base maps and field work.~Mag 20~September/October 1990 ONA
- 1990 US Champs Map Drawn on a Computer~Pat Dunlavey~Report from the relatively early days of computer O mapping. Baileytown map (part of Harriman State Forest) in envelope attached to rear cover.~Mag 22~December 1990 ONA
- The Process of Mapping Townsend State Forest~Bermans?~Mikell Platt interviewed about his mapping process. Includes B&W reproduction of the finished map.~Mag 22~December 1990 ONA
- New Computer Mapping Developments~Mark Smith~Characteristics of the then new OCAD 3.~Mag 32~March/April 1992 ONA
- Computer Cartography in Orienteering Part1: An Introduction to OCAD~Mark Adams & Mike Waddington~Discusses some of the features of OCAD as compared to hand-drawing maps.~Mag 33~May 1992 ONA
- Computer Cartography in Orienteering Part II: Drawing with OCAD~Mark Adams & Mike Waddington~Basics of how to use OCAD.~Mag 34~June 1992 ONA
- Computer Cartography in Orienteering Part III: PLOTIT, to draw O-courses with a plotter~Pierre Brasssard~Use of a plotter to draw courses on maps.~Mag 35~July 1992 ONA
- Why SLOC's and everybody else's mapping costs so much~Teena Orling~Discussion of US club mapping from a former local club and USOF Mapping Chairperson.~Mag 42~June 1993 ONA
- Mag 53~January 1995 ONA~Printing Small Quantities of Maps~W. Edwin Smith~Experiences with inkjet printing of O maps.
- Other Experiences Printing Color Maps~Larry Berman~More experiences with use of color printers to produce O maps.~Mag 53~January 1995 ONA
- Manitou Lake Map~Steve Willman~The author describes his experience making a map to orienteering standards starting from a USGS topographic map as a base map.~Mag 54~March/April 1995 ONA
Routes & Maps
- 1990 World Cup 4 Map and Routes~?~Full colour reproduction of courses on Beaver Lake map with route choices of top three male and female finishers.~Mag 20~September/October 1990 ONA
- A Most Awesome Rogaine~?~Account of a rogaine held near Calgary. Includes map showing winning route.~Mag 21~November 1990 ONA
- Map of Macedonia Brook State Park, CT~WCOC~Featuring cartography by our own Peggy Dickison.~Mag 23~January 1991 ONA
- Day 2 Buckingham Map for 1991 Canadian Championships~?~With 3 courses and routes of five competitors.~Mag 28~September/October 1991 ONA
- Linhart Map for Short Distance A Finals at WOC '91 in Czechoslovakia~?~Routes of the top three finishers of both sexes.~Mag 28~September/October 1991 ONA
- Map from 1991 US Champs in Mark Twain National Forest~?~Courses but no routes.~Mag 30~December 1991 ONA
- Map from Hudson Harvest O-Festival at Clear Lake Scout Reservation~?~Including routes of four competitors on brown and green courses.~Mag 30~December 1991 ONA
- Map of Grafton Lakes State Park, site of the 1992 Intercollegiates~?~2 courses and routes of 4 competitors.~Mag 34~June 1992 ONA
- Smarts Brook Map~CSU~Full colour O map of part of the White Mountain National Forest.~Mag 35~July 1992 ONA
- US Long Course Champs Routes~?~Full colour reproduction of courses and routes for seven elite orienteers on map of Saylor Park West.~Mag 36~September/October 1992 ONA
- World Cup #7, Canada~?~Article on the race including colour map of the Ganaraska Forest - Central Region showing Men's and Women's World Cup courses.~Mag 37~November 1992 ONA
- World Cup Final Maps of Pawtuckaway State Park~?~Courses and routes for two male and two female competitors (presumably the winners on the day and the overall World Cup winners)~Mag 38~December 1992 ONA
- Route Choices, Day 2 of Colorado 5 Day~Bermans~Map of Florissant Fossil Beds with courses and routes of three competitors.~Mag 44~August 1993 ONA
- Kinnie Brook Map, Day 1 of 1993 Canadian Champs~?~In colour with courses and routes of the male and female champions.~Mag 45~September/October 1993 ONA
- Course Setter's Notes~Mark Adams~Discussion of joys of long legs and a specific example of the planning thereof. With illustrative B&W map.~Mag 46~December 1993 ONA
- Intercollegiate Champs Return To Yankee Springs~Bermans~Article including drawing of Eric Bone's route on Day 1 Red and Frances Danaher's route on Day 1 Green.~Mag 48~May 1994 ONA
- The Last Spring at West Point~Bermans~Article including drawing or Barb Sleight's route on the Day 1 Brown course.~Mag 49~June 1994 ONA
- The 1994 Great Lakes O-Festival~Bermans~Article describing the event with colour map of Day 2 of the North American Champs showing the courses and routes of five top finishers.~Mag 51~September/October 1994 ONA
- Map of Wachusett Mountain State Reservation~?~Just the map. In colour. No courses.~Mag 53~January 1995 ONA
- Orienteers Thaw Out in Florida~Sherry L. Savrda~Article about the first A meet in Florida. Includes colour reproduction of extremely flat Shockley Ranch map with Green course.~Mag 55~May 1995 ONA
- 1995 Canadian Men's Short Course Championships map~?~Colour reproduction of map of North Wahstao showing course and routes of two (top?) finishers.~Mag 58A~September/October 1995 ONA
- 1995 World Championships Short Course Final map~?~Colour reproduction of map of Hasenkanzel showing course and routes of the three top male and female finishers.~Mag 58A~September/October 1995 ONA
Routes and Maps with analysis (highly recommended!!)
- Karrimor International Mountain Marathon - Elite Team's Winning Route~Sue and Robin Harvey~Reproduction and brief explanation of the winning team's route in a two day O event held in extremely steep terrain. Actual map enclosed in envelope attached to back cover.~Mag 18~July 1990 ONA
- See How They Ran~?~Notes on their races from four elite competitors. Includes B&W reproduction of map and routes (colour map was in Dec 1990 issue).~Mag 23~January 1991 ONA
- Route Choices on the Green Course at the 1991 Texas O-Champs~Roger Lott~See the title. Includes colour map of Bastrop State Park.~Mag 25~May 1991 ONA
- Getting High in Colorado: the 1991 US Team Trials~Mikell Platt~Article including map showing the routes of 12 orienteers on one highly interesting leg.~Mag 27~August 1991 ONA
- See How They Ran At West Point~?~Map and explanation of how 3 people ran red and green courses. Routes not drawn.~Mag 34~June 1992 ONA
- The Choice Leg~Mikell Platt~Detailed analysis of possible route choices on a single leg at West Point.~Mag 34~June 1992 ONA
- See How They Ran Day 2, 1992 Canadian Championships~?~Discussion and full colour reproduction of courses and routes for seven orienteers on map of Fort DesJarlais.~Mag 36~September/October 1992 ONA
- Woman Champion's Route~Peggy Dickison~Peggy discusses her run in detail, Accompanied by a B&W reproduction of her course and route.~Mag 41~May 1993 ONA
- Valuable Lessons at West Point~Jim Henderson~Author describes his run on a Green Y course at Lake Popolopen. B&W reproduction of course and route.~Mag 42~June 1993 ONA
- Running a Course with Fred Veler~Mac MacDonald~The author is shadowed by a highly experienced coach during a training run on a red course at McQueen Lake, near Kamloops. Includes B&W reproduction of the course.~Mag 43~July 1993 ONA
- How They Ran~ Derek Hertel and Mike Minium~Accounts of a winning M16A run on orange and a run on blue. B&W course and route drawings.~Mag 47~ March/April 1994 ONA
- Midwest Champs~Vladimir P. Gusiatnikov~Article including drawing and account of Teena Orling's run on red.~Mag 48~May 1994 ONA
- How I ran Oak Mt - Or how NOT to...!~Pat Meehan~Account with B&W map of course and route he took on the Day 1 Red course.~Mag 49~June 1994 ONA
- 1994 Veteran's World Cup~Penny DeMoss~Article describing the event with B&W map of the authors route in the W40 A final.~Mag 51~September/October 1994 ONA
- At Bullfrog Flats - One Orienteer's Experience~Paul Magnus~Article chronicling the author's winning M21A run in the Western States Champs. With B&W reproduction of course and route on Bullfrog Pond map.~Mag 59~November 1995 ONA
Course Setting
- Course Setting - For The Fun Of It~Scott Donald~A detailed explanation of how the author designed orienteering courses for the Washington State Centennial Games. Includes a B&W reproduction of two advanced courses.~Mag 15~March/April 1990 ONA
- The Diary of an Assistant Course Setter~Candy Raines~See the title.~Mag 24~February 1991 ONA
- Estimating Time When Setting Courses~Scott Donald~How a World Cup course controller tackled estimating elite winning times.~Mag 24~February 1991 ONA
- Designing Beginner's Courses~John Sincock~Description of the author's setting of white, yellow and orange courses.~Mag 38~December 1992 ONA
- Course Consulting for West Point~Robin Shannonhouse~Discussion of considerations in acting as course consultant for an A-meet.~Mag 44~August 1993 ONA
- How Joe Brautigam Set the Blue Course~Bermans~What it says illustrated with a B&W reproduction of the Baileytown map (available in colour in Mag#?) and course.~Mag 56~June 1995 ONA
- A Course Designer's Diary~Angus Bond~The author describes how he set the courses for the Buzzard's Revenge A-meet.~Mag 57~July 1995 ONA
- "Finding Our Way": Toward a System for Course Design~Robert Miller~Discussion of what the author thinks constitutes a good orienteering course.~Mag 58A~September/October 1995 ONA
- Course Setting Commentary~Mike Minium~The use and abuse of streamers on easier courses.~Mag 58A~September/October 1995 ONA
O Science
- Orienteering and The Energy Systems~John Simonsen~A fairly detailed explanation of the aerobic and anaerobic systems of energy production.~Mag 15~March/April 1990 ONA
- Where Are You? - And How Do You Know?~Susan E. Infield and Earl B. Hunt~Preliminary results of a study comparing the performance of orienteers, cartography students and a control group in spatial reasoning tasks.~Mag 16~May 1990 ONA
- Nutritional Requirements for the Orienteer~Mark Tarnopolsky~Nutritional advice for orienteers including meals in the days and hours leading up to a race.~Mag 26~July 1991 ONA
- Carbohydrate and Protein Requirements for the Orienteer~Mark Tarnopolsky~Nutritional advice for orienteers, including advice on what to consume during and after racing.~Mag 27~August 1991 ONA
- Coping with Aging Sight~Peter Plunkett-Cole~Possible ways of coping with age-related presbyopia, particularly a technique called monovision involving wearing a contact lens in only one eye.~Mag 49~June 1994 ONA
- Red, White and Blue~Carl Moore~The travails of a colour-blind orienteer.~Mag 50~July 1994 ONA
- Oh, My Aching Ankles?~Victor M. Nippert~How to treat an ankle sprain. Includes photographs of proper wrapping technique.~Mag 17~June 1990 ONA
- Braced for Action~Victor M. Nippert~A discussion of options for bracing an ankle while recovering from a sprain.~Mag 20~September/October 1990 ONA
International Experiences
- First Impressions of Russian Orienteering~Rachell Tharp~Journal of an orienteering exchange with a club in Pskov. Full colour Russian map in envelope attached to back cover.~Mag 19~August 1990 ONA
- Sweden's Secret O-Weapon~Carl F. Fey~Lessons that might be learned from the practices of Swedish O clubs.~Mag 21~November 1990 ONA
- The Needle Still Swings North~Julie De Pass~Technical information on compass ailments their causes, cures and preventive strategies.~Mag 29~November 1991 ONA
- Shoe Tales~Jeffrey Saeger~Care of O shoes.~Mag 33~May 1992 ONA
- The Compass~Boris Lysenko & Irina Kuranova~Technical stuff you never knew about compasses.~Mag 44~August 1993 ONA
- Which Watch Do I Watch?~Mikell Platt~The author discusses how he uses his watch in O training, course setting, etc.~Mag 50~July 1994 ONA
Event Management
- Getting The Results Up - Quickly and Accurately~Jim Waddington~His club's procedures for handling results at major events.~Mag 23~January 1991 ONA
- Advice for Meet Organisers~Stig Skarborn and Scott Donald~The authors discuss various aspects of meet organisation, particularly the dangers of being cavalier about vetting courses and control locations.~Mag 34~June 1992 ONA
- Rogaine Planning plus an invitation~Bob Reddick~How to plan a rogaine.~Mag 40~March/April 1993 ONA
- Score-O Experiments~Dave Bailey~The author discusses past and proposed experiments in varying the basic score-O format.~Mag 56~June 1995 ONA
- An Organizer's View~Eric Smith~Description of the experience of putting on the Connecticut Hill Rogaine. With B&W map showing routes of three winning teams.~Mag 59~November 1995 ONA
- Butternut Squash: The Teacher's Helper~Barbara Sleight~How to illustrate the concept of contours by mutilating vegetables.~Mag 21~November 1990 ONA
- Reaching Scouts for Orienteering~Ed Scott~How DVOA runs (or, rather, ran) their annual scout event.~Mag 23~January 1991 ONA
- Elementary (school) Orienteering~Joseph Huberman & Ruth Bromer~An account of how a simple O event was put on at an elementary school.~Mag 29~November 1991 ONA
- Teaching Orienteering~John Hadler~Suggestions for teaching/describing orienteering in a classroom setting.~Mag 42~June 1993 ONA
- French Creek Orienteering: Terrain & Mapping~Eric Weyman~Characteristics of the map and terrain for the then upcoming US Champs.~Mag 32~March/April 1992 ONA
- French Creek Orienteering: Part II The Navigation~Eric Weyman~How not to get lost at French Creek (short of avoiding the place).~Mag 33~May 1992 ONA
- They're Not Freckles on Your Map~Paul Kusko~The deep lore of the charcoal terrace. DVOA really,really wanted everyone to know what to expect at the US Champs.~Mag 34~June 1992 ONA
- Ontario's Moraine Terrain: Navigating the Oro Sandhills~Mike Waddington~A description of the geology and terrain and consequent O characteristics to be expected in the then upcoming Great Lakes O Fest.~Mag 49~June 1994 ONA
- Terrain Preview for US Short Course & Relay Champs~Eric Weyman~Description of the terrain in a then newly mapped area of French Creek and the Valley Forge Fatlands.~Mag 54~March/April 1995 ONA
- Unfamiliar Ground~Joe Scarborough~A cautionary tale: letter about the author's difficulties adjusting to the unaccustomed highly technical terrain at that years US Champs.~Mag 60~December 1995 ONA
If you've read this far, you must really be interested ... and if you're also someone who might be willing to volunteer to professionally-enough digitize the most useful of these articles so we can make them directly available from this page, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator!