Prince William Forest

Course results can be seen below. Splits are available on Attackpoint or Winsplits. To enter your routes and see how others went, head to RouteGadget.

The weather held off for a great day in the woods, and the course setter (Nadim Ahmed) gave us some challenging and fun courses to run. Prince William Forest Park never disappoints, and despite the threat of bad weather we had 177 starts. We would like to send out a big Thank You to the Rangers and the park for hosting our event, and to our amazing volunteers. On registration Karla Hulett, Daniel Heimgartner, Vido Aleksiev, and Petya Aleksieva; on parking control; Gary Smith, Aaron Linville, Laura Linville and John Vierow; on e-punch Amy Louden, Kris Beecroft and Nicole Aleksieva (e-punch guru in training); on beginner training John Baker, Rick Oliver and Scott Sharp; and an extra special Thank You! to those who braved the elements as they came rolling in for control pick-up: Victor Lin, Nadim Ahmed, John Baker, Michael Dickey, and Bill Wright.
-Mark & Rae Ann Hicks, Event Directors


Course Length: 2.1 km

Course Climb: 40 m

Number of Controls: 9

1Jonathan PriddyPatuxent NJROTC16:54
2Matthew HoffmanPatuxent NJROTC16:59
3Mike CostasPatuxent NJROTC23:12
3Mike CostasPatuxent NJROTC23:12
4Grant DeMorroFUMA23:32
5Ousmane DiengFUMA28:15
6Matthew MooreFUMA32:24
7Jason LusbyPatuxent NJROTC44:05
8Clay JohnstonPatriots NJROTC51:07
9Angela Velasquez53:41
10Sam AhmedQOC59:11
11Chris SpainQOC61:46
12Austin FredlundPatuxent NJROTC96:15
13Petr TsypnyatovQOC97:38
14Kenneth McCoy & Jackson & Noah97:58
15Luke & Summer OliverQOCDNF
15Victoria Wigodzky & Jonathan & Sophia & NoahDNF
15Juan & Christian GarciaQOCDNF


Course Length: 2.2 km

Course Climb: 35 m

Number of Controls: 10

1Einar Olsen & Katya22:22
2Zach KuderPatriots NJROTC25:59
3Kyle GuinnPatriots NJROTC26:08
4Radka HerndonQOC26:42
5Grant DeMorroFUMA27:51
6Max AhmedQOC27:59
7Carlton AshbyFUMA30:07
8Chris MerloFUMA30:34
9Mary SchmidtPatriots NJROTC34:03
10Matthew MooreFUMA34:05
11Marc HessePatriots NJROTC35:33
12Lamar JordanFUMA35:47
13Issey WrightPatriots NJROTC35:52
14Jonathan PriddyPatuxent NJROTC37:13
15Matthew HoffmanPatuxent NJROTC37:18
16David Rager & SilasQOC38:27
17Adin Freese41:01
18Elina Desierto44:45
19Reiko Rager & JustinQOC46:01
20Andrew HodakPatriots NJROTC51:23
21Caleb ParkinsPatriots NJROTC53:28
22Ousmane DiengFUMA53:29
23Jett MontesFUMA56:51
24Colleen NoahPatriots NJROTC58:16
25Patrick FarleyQOC60:18
26Nicole AleksievaQOC61:02
27Luci RiegelQOC63:44
28Paul Guttridge & Wendy & Ari & Louise70:21
29Brad Payne & Nora & LilyQOC76:12
30Gabe VelasquezPatuxent NJROTC89:12
31 Morningstar Family of 392:39
32Lisa NovinsQOC92:52
33Michael BianchettaQOC95:47
34Jordyn EkertPatuxent NJROTCMP (96:03)


Course Length: 5 km

Course Climb: 175 m

Number of Controls: 10

1James Moffett68:18
2Sean TraubePatriots NJROTC69:05
3Alex SuarezPatriots NJROTC77:11
4Nicholas SchmidtPatriots NJROTC82:07
4Brennan StoneFUMA82:07
5Gary Griesmyer82:15
6Noah LaScolaPatriots NJROTC85:33
7Corey CutshallPatriots NJROTC88:03
8Jett MontesFUMA89:27
9Gary & Ginny QuamQOC101:52
10Jon BlankPatriots NJROTC106:15
11Manuel AvilesPatriots NJROTC107:23
12Chris MerloFUMA107:54
13Jeffrey Simon & Corbin & Anthony114:06
14Carlton AshbyFUMA116:54
15Molly RiegelPatriots NJROTC120:52
16Mark BesiadaQOC123:55
17Joshua TroutPatuxent NJROTC131:31
18Justin JacksonPatuxent NJROTC151:13
19Mark Bender & Tim158:55
20Oleg VolonsevichQOC160:14
21Brooke OliverQOC171:43
22Faith BrownCalvert NJROTCDNF
22Brad Payne & Nora & LilyQOCDNF
22Alex HartCalvert NJROTCDNF
22Scott Williams & AndrewDNF
22Kyle GuinnPatriots NJROTCDNF
22Shaw Dallas & Sami & CalvinDNF
22Karen ButlerDNF
22Lamar JordanFUMADNF (35:35)
22Jade PackPatriots NJROTCMP


Course Length: 2.2 km

Course Climb: 80 m

Number of Controls: 9

1Sean CrokerPatuxent NJROTC41:29
2Maggie PrudenQOC47:36
3Robert FawcettQOC52:11
4Amy LoudenQOC69:18
5Karla HulettQOC75:43
6Daniel HeimgartnerQOC102:08


Course Length: 3.5 km

Course Climb: 130 m

Number of Controls: 9

1Martins Jonass & Baryalai51:31
2Kris BeecroftQOC60:49
3John J MillerQOC62:47
4Chuck FergusonQOC71:06
5John BakerQOC71:16
6The Linvilles & The LinvillesQOC71:31
7Edward EnsonQOC75:57
8Lydia AndrewsQOC82:42
9John StudachQOC83:08
10Gary SmithQOC83:33
11Paul CollinsonQOC83:49
12William ChesarekQOC86:33
13Helen DohertyQOC87:07
14Scott SharpQOC87:25
15Pam DvorskyCalvert NJROTC93:00
16Caleb WithersPatuxent NJROTC98:48
17Kevin LearyQOC99:46
18Michelle & Tara HolmesQOC99:52
19Tavia SullensQOC101:02
20Daniel SheldenQOC104:03
21Mike DvorskyCalvert NJROTC110:37
22Joey LusbyPatuxent NJROTC131:36
23Vanessa LightfootPatuxent NJROTC131:45
24Autumn BevardCalvert NJROTCDNF (102:25)
24Derrick ReddenCalvert NJROTCDNF (117:27)
24India PackPatriots NJROTCDNF (133:15)


Course Length: 5.9 km

Course Climb: 220 m

Number of Controls: 9

1Rick OliverQOC63:43
2Ted GoodQOC68:55
3Dennis DohertyQOC74:55
4Peggy DickisonOK76:26
5Greg LennonQOC78:13
6Justin GreenQOC81:35
7Asher Freese82:11
8Jan MerkaQOC87:15
9Kyle CashmanPatuxent NJROTC91:13
10Diana AleksievaQOC93:39
11Sam ListwakQOC95:22
12Tom WellsQOC104:40
13Anne JepsenQOC109:43
13Ryan WiscovitchPatriots NJROTC109:43
14Bill WrightQOC110:35
15John VincentPatuxent NJROTC110:42
16Frantisek BrabecQOC115:21
17Rob BriberQOC119:11
18Heidi OnkstQOC121:18
19Joseph WangerPatriots NJROTC124:03
20Nic SchaeferLoudoun Co NJROTC133:31
21David McCombsFUMA136:02
22Nick VettingPatuxent NJROTC139:47
23David LevineQOC145:01
24Josh HenriquesFUMA156:58
25John LandersQOC158:06
26David MiddletonFUMA162:57
27Merritt MitchellDNF
27Petya AleksievaQOCDNF
27Gogi KalkaQOCDNF (133:46)
27Craig SheldenQOCDNF (157:25)
27Suzanne SheldenQOCDNF (187:19)
27Ron PontiusQOCMP (107:42)
27Doris LeeQOCMP (143:02)


Course Length: 8 km

Course Climb: 325 m

Number of Controls: 15

1Turner LeighLoudoun Co NJROTC73:43
2Joshua SanchezPatuxent NJROTC87:38
3Kim JepsenQOC103:30
4Adam SmithQOC108:27
5Gavin WeiseQOC122:36
6Tom NolanQOC124:03
7Jared SilkQOC124:38
8Matthew KnightQOC131:43
9Dave ConnollyQOC147:52
10Dustine ReppuhnQOC151:36
11David MuenchFUMA160:06
12Sam MarinaceFUMA163:06
13Patrick FarleyQOCDNF
13Joshua MonteroDNF (167:31)
13David PatrickQOCDNF (194:57)


Course Length: 10 km

Course Climb: 370 m

Number of Controls: 15

1Ken Walker JrCSU77:22
2Jon TorranceQOC81:28
3Videlin AleksievQOC97:41
4Eugene TcipnjatovQOC103:10
5Victor LinQOC105:03
6Dave PrudenQOC115:10
7Michael DickeyQOC116:07
8Justin Woodson166:27
9Francis HogleQOC167:38
10Rolemberg Cuaha188:03
11Adam BeeQOCDNF (176:02)

Abbreviations: DNF = did not finish, MP = mispunch, NC = non-competitive (usually 2nd course or course setter/vetter), OT = overtime (more than 3 hours or returned after course closing time).